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The start to 2023 has been a flurry of activity for NSBL, with a record 780+ members playing a week.

Our new registration platform offered members a smooth start to the year and we are now looking to continue the process as we approach Term 2. All after school sessions reached capacity and our Sunday competition was maxed out at 40 teams!

TERM 1 Last session dates:

SUNDAY April 2nd

MONDAY March 27th (April 3rd Cancelled – email to be sent to those affected)

TUESDAY April 4th

WEDNESDAY March 29th (April 5th Cancelled – email to be sent to those affected)

THURSDAY April 6th


All Term 1 members will be AUTO-ENROLLED to their current program and an email will be sent to everyone with an INVITATION TO ACCEPT, directing parents to the payment link.

By the end of term 1 (Friday April 7th), members who have not accepted their invitation will be removed from the list and those on the waiting list will then be given priority. Following this, any remaining spaces will be left open to the public.

Please visit the club website for information and if you have any queries, send NSBL an email.


With the continued growth of the club the GRADES 7/8 Competition will have three timeslots playing at Covenant Christian School, Belrose. The scheduling for this will be communicated to all affected. All other age groups on Sunday remain at St Ives.


Age groups on each day will be split the same as our after school sessions –into Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8 & Grades 8-12.

Please visit the club website to see venue information and to REGISTER

Parking reminder:

There is strictly no parking on, or driving into school grounds.

Please be respectful of our neighbours and park legally.

More Basketball Courts at Queen Elizabeth Reserve – West Lindfield

Ku-ring-gai Council are taking comments until March 27th on the proposed redeveloped masterplan of the park. With the opportunity to boost local public basketball courts, this is a great time to get online and offer your thoughts on the subject

Smoke / Asthma Warning

Weather permitting, Ku-ring-gai Council and NSW Rural Fire Service will be conducting a prescribed hazard reduction (controlled burn) in Wahroonga on Tuesday March 21st

Please visit the NSW RFS website or download the Hazards Near Me App for further information

Daylight Savings Reminder

Clocks will 'fall back' an hour on Sunday April 2nd at 3am as daylight savings ends.

Have a great weekend ahead and see you all soon

Happy New Year everyone! Hoping the summer break has given you all a well-deserved break.

A few updates for all: IMPORTANT Active Kids Vouchers: Unfortunately NSBL will NOT be an active kids provider going into 2023, vouchers will not be accepted during the registration process, apologies for any inconvenience. Please note that all vouchers submitted to the club in 2022, towards the 2023 program, have been redeemed.

January Holiday Camps: Grades 3-6 are at capacity. Grades 7-12 only a few spaces remain.

Term 1 Program returns from Monday January 30th. Wednesday Night (Adult Comp) & Sunday Competition teams will be posted online in the first week of February.

Term 1 2023 Registrations remain open via the club website.

Social Media: Reminder that NSBL is on Facebook and Instagram

See you all soon

Last sessions for Term 4 2022: Sunday Dec 11th Finals (Game times have been updated to the club website) Monday Dec 12th - Thursday Dec 15th January Holiday Camp 2023 - CLICK HERE for more information Limited spaces remaining.

2022 wrap up: Off the back of a few very challenging years, NSBL hit the ground running, with 2022 being our busiest year yet. The club has grown dramatically, increasing hours of operations, number of coaches & of course the number of basketballs. We have seen some of our most competitive matches to date, incredible improvement across all age groups and some amazing displays of sportsmanship.

2022 was the year for growth in NSBL, membership numbers reached a new high of 750 members in Term 4 and a number of our junior players transitioned into junior club coaches during 2022. NSBL also faciliated a record number of Duke of Edinburgh volunteers throughout the year.

To the club coaches: I am forever grateful for your unwaivering energy, patience and commitment to NSBL. Thank you for an amazing 2022.

On behalf of our amazing coaching team, I wanted to wish all of our members a sincere thank you for your ongoing efforts on the court and support of NSBL. Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable summer break ahead. Looking forward to seeing you in 2023.

Yoel - NSBL

2023 (important stuff):

January Holiday Camp Registrations are OPEN

Term 1 2023 Registrations are OPEN

Uniform stock is set to arrive late January Sunday K2s: Due to the rapid growth of our Sunday competition, court availability has become the biggest issue and as a result the very difficult decision to remove a session has been made. The Sunday K2 session at 9am-10am will not be proceeding in Term 1 2023. There are four K2 sessions of an after school, on Monday to Thursday, 4pm - 5pm.

Fees for 2023: For the first time in many years, the NSBL fees have increased marginally.

To simplify the payment process, the GST component and processing fees are now included in the total fees (instead of having the initial term payment, then being hit with a GST & processing payment at checkout - far smoother and transparent for all)

Example for a 9 week program. Old system: $135 + GST = $148.50 (end result $16.50 a session) New system: $153 (inclusive of all processing fees, GST) (end result $17 a session)

Any questions, please get in touch:

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